




定义\psi\theta\phi分别为绕Z轴、Y轴、X轴的旋转角度,如果用Tait-Bryan angle表示,分别为Yaw、Pitch、Roll。



\left | q \right |^2 = w^2+x^2+y^2+z^2 =1

  • 通过旋转轴和绕该轴旋转的角度可以构造一个四元数:





  • 其中α是一个简单的旋转角(旋转角的弧度值),而cos(\beta _x),cos(\beta _y),cos(\beta _z)是定位旋转轴的“方向余弦”(欧拉旋转定理)。


Q_1=cos(\psi /2 ) +sin(\psi /2) k

Q_2=cos(\theta /2 ) +sin(\theta /2) j

Q_3=cos(\phi /2 ) +sin(\phi /2) i


2.1 公式:

2.2 code:

    1. struct Quaternion
          double w, x, y, z;
      Quaternion ToQuaternion(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) // yaw (Z), pitch (Y), roll (X)
          // Abbreviations for the various angular functions
          double cy = cos(yaw * 0.5);
          double sy = sin(yaw * 0.5);
          double cp = cos(pitch * 0.5);
          double sp = sin(pitch * 0.5);
          double cr = cos(roll * 0.5);
          double sr = sin(roll * 0.5);
          Quaternion q;
          q.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr;
          q.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr;
          q.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr;
          q.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr;
          return q;


3.1 公式


  • arctan和arcsin的结果是[-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}],这并不能覆盖所有朝向(对于\theta[-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}]的取值范围已经满足),因此需要用atan2来代替arctan。

3.2 code:

    1. #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
      #include <cmath>
      struct Quaternion {
          double w, x, y, z;
      struct EulerAngles {
          double roll, pitch, yaw;
      EulerAngles ToEulerAngles(Quaternion q) {
          EulerAngles angles;
          // roll (x-axis rotation)
          double sinr_cosp = 2 * (q.w * q.x + q.y * q.z);
          double cosr_cosp = 1 - 2 * (q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y);
          angles.roll = std::atan2(sinr_cosp, cosr_cosp);
          // pitch (y-axis rotation)
          double sinp = 2 * (q.w * q.y - q.z * q.x);
          if (std::abs(sinp) >= 1)
              angles.pitch = std::copysign(M_PI / 2, sinp); // use 90 degrees if out of range
              angles.pitch = std::asin(sinp);
          // yaw (z-axis rotation)
          double siny_cosp = 2 * (q.w * q.z + q.x * q.y);
          double cosy_cosp = 1 - 2 * (q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
          angles.yaw = std::atan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp);
          return angles;

3.3 四元素到旋转矩阵转换


四. 奇点



五. 矢量旋转

定义四元素的尺度q_0 和向量 \overrightarrow{q},有

请注意,通过定义欧拉旋转的四元数{\displaystyle q}来旋转三维矢量{\vec{v}}的规范方法是通过公式:

{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} ^{\,\prime }=\mathbf {qpq} ^{\ast }}

这儿:{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =(0,{\vec {v}})=0+iv_{1}+jv_{2}+kv_{3}}是包含嵌入向量{\vec{v}}的四元数,{\displaystyle \mathbf {q} ^{\ast }=(q_{0},-{\vec {q}})} {\displaystyle \mathbf {q} ^{\ast }=(q_{0},-{\vec {q}})}共轭四元数


{\displaystyle {\vec {t}}=2{\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}}}

{\displaystyle {\vec {v}}^{\,\prime }={\vec {v}}+q_{0}{\vec {t}}+{\vec {q}}\times {\vec {t}}}




{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {q_{1}q_{2}} &=(r_{1},{\vec {v}}_{1})(r_{2},{\vec {v}}_{2})\\&=(r_{1}r_{2}-{\vec {v}}_{1}\cdot {\vec {v}}_{2},r_{1}{\vec {v}}_{2}+r_{2}{\vec {v}}_{1}+{\vec {v}}_{1}\times {\vec {v}}_{2})\\\end{aligned}}}

利用这种关系{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =(0,{\vec {v}})}可以找到:

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {pq^{\ast }} &=(0,{\vec {v}})(q_{0},-{\vec {q}})\\&=({\vec {v}}\cdot {\vec {q}},q_{0}{\vec {v}}-{\vec {v}}\times {\vec {q}})\\\end{aligned}}}


{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {qpq^{\ast }} &=(q_{0},{\vec {q}})({\vec {v}}\cdot {\vec {q}},q_{0}{\vec {v}}-{\vec {v}}\times {\vec {q}})\\&=(0,q_{0}^{2}{\vec {v}}+q_{0}{\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}}+({\vec {v}}\cdot {\vec {q}}){\vec {q}}+q_{0}{\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}}+{\vec {q}}\times ({\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}}))\\\end{aligned}}}

{\displaystyle q_{0}^{2}=1-{\vec {q}}\cdot {\vec {q}}} {\displaystyle q_{0}^{2}=1-{\vec {q}}\cdot {\vec {q}}}

{\displaystyle {\vec {q}}\times ({\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}})=({\vec {q}}\cdot {\vec {v}}){\vec {q}}-({\vec {q}}\cdot {\vec {q}}){\vec {v}}}


{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {p} ^{\prime }&=\mathbf {qpq^{\ast }} =(0,{\vec {v}}+2q_{0}{\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}}+2{\vec {q}}\times ({\vec {q}}\times {\vec {v}}))\\\end{aligned}}}

在定义{\displaystyle {\vec {t}} = 2 {\vec {q}} \times {\vec {v}}}时,可以按标量和矢量部分来表示:

{\displaystyle (0,{\vec {v}}^{\,\prime })=(0,{\vec {v}}+q_{0}{\vec {t}}+{\vec {q}}\times {\vec {t}}).}

六 . 其他参考

七 python 转换

7.1 四元素欧拉角互相转换

    1. def EulerAndQuaternionTransform( intput_data):
          data_len = len(intput_data)
          angle_is_not_rad = False
          if data_len == 3:
              r = 0
              p = 0
              y = 0
              if angle_is_not_rad: # 180 ->pi
                  r = math.radians(intput_data[0]) 
                  p = math.radians(intput_data[1])
                  y = math.radians(intput_data[2])
                  r = intput_data[0] 
                  p = intput_data[1]
                  y = intput_data[2]
              sinp = math.sin(p/2)
              siny = math.sin(y/2)
              sinr = math.sin(r/2)
              cosp = math.cos(p/2)
              cosy = math.cos(y/2)
              cosr = math.cos(r/2)
              w = cosr*cosp*cosy + sinr*sinp*siny
              x = sinr*cosp*cosy - cosr*sinp*siny
              y = cosr*sinp*cosy + sinr*cosp*siny
              z = cosr*cosp*siny - sinr*sinp*cosy
              return [w,x,y,z]
          elif data_len == 4:
              w = intput_data[0] 
              x = intput_data[1]
              y = intput_data[2]
              z = intput_data[3]
              r = math.atan2(2 * (w * x + y * z), 1 - 2 * (x * x + y * y))
              p = math.asin(2 * (w * y - z * x))
              y = math.atan2(2 * (w * z + x * y), 1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z))
              if angle_is_not_rad : # pi -> 180
                  r = math.degrees(r)
                  p = math.degrees(p)
                  y = math.degrees(y)
              return [r,p,y]

7.2 旋转矩阵<->欧拉角 py

    1. import numpy as np
      import math
      import random
      def isRotationMatrix(R) :
          Rt = np.transpose(R)
          shouldBeIdentity = np.dot(Rt, R)
          I = np.identity(3, dtype = R.dtype)
          n = np.linalg.norm(I - shouldBeIdentity)
          return n < 1e-6
      def rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(R) :
          sy = math.sqrt(R[0,0] * R[0,0] + R[1,0] * R[1,0])
          singular = sy < 1e-6
          if not singular :
              x = math.atan2(R[2,1] , R[2,2])
              y = math.atan2(-R[2,0], sy)
              z = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])
          else :
              x = math.atan2(-R[1,2], R[1,1])
              y = math.atan2(-R[2,0], sy)
              z = 0
          return np.array([x, y, z])
      def eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta) :
          R_x = np.array([[1,     0,         0          ],
          [0,     math.cos(theta[0]), -math.sin(theta[0]) ],
          [0,     math.sin(theta[0]), math.cos(theta[0]) ]
          R_y = np.array([[math.cos(theta[1]),  0,   math.sin(theta[1]) ],
          [0,           1,   0          ],
          [-math.sin(theta[1]),  0,   math.cos(theta[1]) ]
          R_z = np.array([[math.cos(theta[2]),  -math.sin(theta[2]),  0],
          [math.sin(theta[2]),  math.cos(theta[2]),   0],
          [0,           0,           1]
          R = np.dot(R_z, np.dot( R_y, R_x ))
          return R


    1.         static Eigen::Vector3d R2ypr(const Eigen::Matrix3d &R)
              Eigen::Vector3d n = R.col(0);
              Eigen::Vector3d o = R.col(1);
              Eigen::Vector3d a = R.col(2);
              Eigen::Vector3d ypr(3);
              double y = atan2(n(1), n(0));
              double p = atan2(-n(2), n(0) * cos(y) + n(1) * sin(y));
              double r = atan2(a(0) * sin(y) - a(1) * cos(y), -o(0) * sin(y) + o(1) * cos(y));
              ypr(0) = y;
              ypr(1) = p;
              ypr(2) = r;
              return ypr / M_PI * 180.0;
          template <typename Derived>
          static Eigen::Matrix<typename Derived::Scalar, 3, 3> ypr2R(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &ypr)
              typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar_t;
              Scalar_t y = ypr(0) / 180.0 * M_PI;
              Scalar_t p = ypr(1) / 180.0 * M_PI;
              Scalar_t r = ypr(2) / 180.0 * M_PI;
              Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t, 3, 3> Rz;
              Rz << cos(y), -sin(y), 0,
                  sin(y), cos(y), 0,
                  0, 0, 1;
              Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t, 3, 3> Ry;
              Ry << cos(p), 0., sin(p),
                  0., 1., 0.,
                  -sin(p), 0., cos(p);
              Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t, 3, 3> Rx;
              Rx << 1., 0., 0.,
                  0., cos(r), -sin(r),
                  0., sin(r), cos(r);
              return Rz * Ry * Rx;

八 Eigen transform

8.1 欧拉角到四元素

    1.       Eigen::Quaterniond RollPitchYaw(const double roll, const double pitch,
                                            const double yaw) {
              const Eigen::AngleAxisd roll_angle(roll, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
              const Eigen::AngleAxisd pitch_angle(pitch, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
              const Eigen::AngleAxisd yaw_angle(yaw, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
              return yaw_angle * pitch_angle * roll_angle;


    1.     template <typename T>
            T GetYaw(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& rotation) {
              const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> direction =
                rotation * Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>::UnitX();
              return atan2(direction.y(), direction.x());


    1.     template <typename T>
            Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> RotationQuaternionToAngleAxisVector(
              const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion) {
              Eigen::Quaternion<T> normalized_quaternion = quaternion.normalized();
              // We choose the quaternion with positive 'w', i.e., the one with a smaller
              // angle that represents this orientation.
              if (normalized_quaternion.w() < 0.) {
                // Multiply by -1. http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=560
                normalized_quaternion.w() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.w();
                normalized_quaternion.x() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.x();
                normalized_quaternion.y() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.y();
                normalized_quaternion.z() = -1. * normalized_quaternion.z();
              // We convert the normalized_quaternion into a vector along the rotation axis
              // with length of the rotation angle.
              const T angle =
                2. * atan2(normalized_quaternion.vec().norm(), normalized_quaternion.w());
              constexpr double kCutoffAngle = 1e-7;  // We linearize below this angle.
              const T scale = angle < kCutoffAngle ? T(2.) : angle / sin(angle / 2.);
              return Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>(scale * normalized_quaternion.x(),
                                            scale * normalized_quaternion.y(),
                                            scale * normalized_quaternion.z());


    1.     template <typename T>
            Eigen::Quaternion<T> AngleAxisVectorToRotationQuaternion(
              const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1>& angle_axis) {
              T scale = T(0.5);
              T w = T(1.);
              constexpr double kCutoffAngle = 1e-8;  // We linearize below this angle.
              if (angle_axis.squaredNorm() > kCutoffAngle) {
                const T norm = angle_axis.norm();
                scale = sin(norm / 2.) / norm;
                w = cos(norm / 2.);
              const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> quaternion_xyz = scale * angle_axis;
              return Eigen::Quaternion<T>(w, quaternion_xyz.x(), quaternion_xyz.y(),

Eigen 转换函数

九 旋转矩阵与欧拉角

按旋转坐标系分 内旋(旋转的轴是动态的) 和 外旋(旋转轴是固定的,是不会动的)。

绕定轴 XYZ旋转(RPY)(外旋)

  • 假设两个坐标系A和B,二者初始时完全重合。   过程如下:B绕A的X轴旋转γ角,再绕A的Y轴旋转β角,最后绕A的Z轴旋转α角,完成旋转。整个过程,A不动B动。旋转矩阵的计算方法如下:R = Rz _ Ry _Rx,乘法顺序:从右向左,依次旋转X轴Y轴Z轴 。


  • 过程如下:B绕B的Z轴旋转α角,再绕B的Y轴旋转β角,最后绕B的X轴旋转γ角,完成旋转。整个过程,A不动B动。 旋转矩阵的计算方法如下:R=R_Z*R_Y*R_X。乘法顺序:从左向右 


  •  (1) 欧拉角的表示方式不唯一。给定某个起始朝向和目标朝向,即使给定yaw、pitch、roll的顺序,也可以通过不同的yaw/pitch/roll的角度组合来表示所需的旋转。比如,同样的yaw-pitch-roll顺序,(0,90,0)和(90,90,90)会将刚体转到相同的位置。这其实主要是由于万向锁(Gimbal Lock)引起的   (2) 欧拉角的插值比较难。   (3) 计算旋转变换时,一般需要转换成旋转矩阵,这时候需要计算很多sin, cos,计算量较大。