

class Vector;
class Rotation;
class Frame;
class Wrench;
class Twist;
class Vector2;
class Rotation2;
class Frame2;


class Vector
    double data[3];
     //! Does not initialise the Vector to zero. use Vector::Zero() or SetToZero for that
     inline Vector() {data[0]=data[1]=data[2] = 0.0;}
     //! Constructs a vector out of the three values x, y and z
     inline Vector(double x,double y, double z);
     //! Assignment operator. The normal copy by value semantics.
     inline Vector(const Vector& arg);
     //! Assignment operator. The normal copy by value semantics.
     inline Vector& operator = ( const Vector& arg);
     //! Access to elements, range checked when NDEBUG is not set, from 0..2
     inline double operator()(int index) const;
     //! Access to elements, range checked when NDEBUG is not set, from 0..2
     inline double& operator() (int index);


IMETHOD Vector::Vector(const Vector & arg)
    data[0] = arg.data[0];
    data[1] = arg.data[1];
    data[2] = arg.data[2];
IMETHOD Vector::Vector(double x,double y, double z)
IMETHOD Vector& Vector::operator =(const Vector & arg)
    data[0] = arg.data[0];
    data[1] = arg.data[1];
    data[2] = arg.data[2];
    return *this;

 在内联函数较多的情况下,为了避免头文件过长、版面混乱,可以将所有的内联函数定义移到一个单独的文件中去,然后再 用#include指令将它包含到类声明的后面(类的头文件的底部)。这样的文件称为一个内联函数定义文件。按照惯例, 应该将这个文件命名为“filename.inl”,其中“filename”与相应的头文件和实现文件相同。所以在frames.cpp末尾有#include "frames.inl"语句。