
  • 1. 传感器
  • 2. 关节测试
  • 3. 模型外观
  • 4. 传感器噪声
  • <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <sdf version="1.5">
    	<world name="default">
    		<!-- a global light source -->
    		<!-- a ground plane -->
    		<!-- ######## cylinder ######### -->
    		<model name="velodyne_hdl-32">
    		  <!-- Give the base link a unique name -->
    		  <link name="base">
    			<!-- Offset the base by half the lenght of the cylinder -->
    			<pose>0 0 0.029335 0 0 0</pose>
    			<collision name="base_collision">
    				  <!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne -->
    			<!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision -->
    			<visual name="base_visual">
    		  <!-- Give the base link a unique name -->
    		  <link name="top">
    			<!-- Vertically offset the top cylinder by the length of the bottom
    				cylinder and half the length of this cylinder. -->
    			<pose>0 0 0.095455 0 0 0</pose>
    			<collision name="top_collision">
    				  <!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne -->
    			<!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision -->
    			<visual name="top_visual">
    			<!-- Add a ray sensor, and give it a name -->
    			<sensor type="ray" name="sensor">
    			  <!-- Position the ray sensor based on the specification. Also rotate
    				   it by 90 degrees around the X-axis so that the <horizontal> rays
    				   become vertical -->
    			  <pose>0 0 -0.004645 1.5707 0 0</pose>
    			  <!-- Enable visualization to see the rays in the GUI -->
    			  <!-- Set the update rate of the sensor -->
    				  <!-- The scan element contains the horizontal and vertical beams.
    					   We are leaving out the vertical beams for this tutorial. -->
    					<!-- The horizontal beams -->
    					  <!-- The velodyne has 32 beams(samples) -->
    					  <!-- Resolution is multiplied by samples to determine number of
    						   simulated beams vs interpolated beams. See:
    					  <!-- Minimum angle in radians -->
    					  <!-- Maximum angle in radians -->
    				  <!-- Range defines characteristics of an individual beam -->
    					<!-- Minimum distance of the beam -->
    					<!-- Maximum distance of the beam -->
    					<!-- Linear resolution of the beam -->
    			<!-- Each joint must have a unique name -->
    			<joint type="revolute" name="joint">
    			  <!-- Position the joint at the bottom of the top link -->
    			  <pose>0 0 -0.036785 0 0 0</pose>
    			  <!-- Use the base link as the parent of the joint -->
    			  <!-- Use the top link as the child of the joint -->
    			  <!-- The axis defines the joint's degree of freedom -->
    				<!-- Revolve around the z-axis -->
    				<xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
    				<!-- Limit refers to the range of motion of the joint -->
    				  <!-- Use a very large number to indicate a continuous revolution -->
  • 1. 传感器



    2. 关节测试



    3. 模型外观

    sudo apt-get install freecad
    sudo apt-get install blender
  • 具体设置参考这儿:http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=guided_i&tut=guided_i2


  • 在这里插入图片描述
  • 4. 传感器噪声
  • 内置高斯噪声~Ctrl+T打开topic visualization
  • 在这里插入图片描述
  • 在<sensor>的子标签<ray>中添加如下代码:
  •     <noise>
          <!-- Use gaussian noise -->
  • 通过<mean><stddev>即可修改噪声幅度。


  • 在这里插入图片描述
  • 参考文献:

    • http://gazebosim.org/tutorials
    • 3.https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41045354/article/details/104281283