
    frame_ = new VisualizationFrame();
    frame_->setApp( this->app_ );
    if( help_path != "" )
      frame_->setHelpPath( QString::fromStdString( help_path ));
    frame_->setShowChooseNewMaster( in_mc_wrapper );
    if( vm.count("splash-screen") )
      frame_->setSplashPath( QString::fromStdString( splash_path ));
    frame_->initialize( QString::fromStdString( display_config ));
    if( !fixed_frame.empty() )
      frame_->getManager()->setFixedFrame( QString::fromStdString( fixed_frame ));

    frame_->getManager()->getSelectionManager()->setDebugMode( verbose );



/** @brief The main rviz window.
 * VisualizationFrame is a QMainWindow, which means it has a center
 * area and a bunch of dock areas around it.  The central widget here
 * is a RenderPanel, and around it (by default) are a DisplaysPanel,
 * ViewsPanel, TimePanel, SelectionPanel, and ToolPropertiesPanel.  At
 * the top is a toolbar with "Move Camera", "Select", etc.  There is
 * also a menu bar with file/open, etc.


 * \brief The VisualizationManager class is the central manager class
 *        of rviz, holding all the Displays, Tools, ViewControllers,
 *        and other managers.
 * It keeps the current view controller for the main render window.
 * It has a timer which calls update() on all the displays.  It
 * creates and holds pointers to the other manager objects:
 * SelectionManager, FrameManager, the PropertyManager s, and
 * Ogre::SceneManager.
 * The "protected" members should probably all be "private", as
 * VisualizationManager is not intended to be subclassed.


  Ogre::Root* ogre_root_;                                 ///< Ogre Root
  Ogre::SceneManager* scene_manager_;                     ///< Ogre scene manager associated with this panel

  QTimer* update_timer_;                                 ///< Update timer.  Display::update is called on each display whenever this timer fires
  ros::Time last_update_ros_time_;                        ///< Update stopwatch.  Stores how long it's been since the last update
  ros::WallTime last_update_wall_time_;

  volatile bool shutting_down_;

  PropertyTreeModel* display_property_tree_model_;
  DisplayGroup* root_display_group_;

  ToolManager* tool_manager_;
  ViewManager* view_manager_;

  Property* global_options_;
  TfFrameProperty* fixed_frame_property_;          ///< Frame to transform fixed data to
  StatusList* global_status_;
  IntProperty* fps_property_;
  BoolProperty* default_light_enabled_property_;

  RenderPanel* render_panel_;

  ros::WallTime wall_clock_begin_;
  ros::Time ros_time_begin_;
  ros::WallDuration wall_clock_elapsed_;
  ros::Duration ros_time_elapsed_;

  ColorProperty* background_color_property_;

  float time_update_timer_;
  float frame_update_timer_;

  SelectionManager* selection_manager_;

  uint32_t render_requested_;
  uint64_t frame_count_;

  WindowManagerInterface* window_manager_;

  FrameManager* frame_manager_;