



class ScaledQuantDescriptor():
    def __init__(self, num_bits=8, name=None, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(num_bits, int):
            raise TypeError("num_bits must be an integer, not {}.".format(type(num_bits)))
        if num_bits < 0:
            raise ValueError("num_bits must be >= 0, not {}.".format(num_bits))
        if num_bits == 0:
            logging.error("num_bits is 0. This will result in the tensor being quantized to all zeros."
                          " This mode should only be used for debugging purposes.")
        self._num_bits = num_bits
        if not isinstance(name, str) and name is not None:
            raise TypeError("name must be a string or None, not {}.".format(type(name)))
        self._name = name

        self._fake_quant = kwargs.pop('fake_quant', True)
        self._axis = kwargs.pop('axis', None)
        if self._axis is not None:
            logging.debug("Meaning of axis has changed since v2.0. Make sure to update.")
        self._learn_amax = kwargs.pop('learn_amax', False)
        if self._learn_amax and self._axis is not None:
            raise TypeError(
                "axis is ignored and must be None when learn_amax is true, got {}.".format(type(self._axis)))
        amax = kwargs.pop('amax', None)
        if amax is not None:
            if not isinstance(amax, float) and not isinstance(
                    amax, list) and not isinstance(amax, np.ndarray):
                raise TypeError("amax must be float, list or ndarray, not {}".format(type(amax)))
            # Make it single precision array
            self._amax = np.array(amax, dtype=np.float32)
            self._amax = amax

        self._scale_amax = kwargs.pop('scale_amax', None)
        self._calib_method = kwargs.pop('calib_method', "max")
        self._unsigned = kwargs.pop('unsigned', False)
        self._narrow_range = kwargs.pop('narrow_range', False)

        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("Unused keys: {}".format(kwargs.keys()))


  • num_bits:int,量化位数,用于计算比例因子。默认值8。
  • name:看起来很不错


  • fake_quant:布尔值。如果为True,则使用fake量化模式。默认为True

  • axisNone, int或整数的tuple,轴将利用自己的最大值以计算缩放因子,默认None。

    • 如果None(默认值),则使用per tensor scale

例如,对于KCRS权重张量,quant_axis=(0)将产生per channel scaling。

  • amax:用户指定的绝对最大范围的floatlist/ndarray。如果提供,忽略quant_axis并使用它进行量化。如果learn_amax为True,将用于初始化可学习的amax。默认None

  • learn_amaxboolean,如果为True,学习amax。默认为False。

  • scale_amaxfloat,如果提供,将amax乘以scale_amax,默认无。

  • calib_methodstring[“max”,“histogram”]中的一个校准要使用的指标。除了

  • max calibration,其他都是基于hisogram的。默认值“max”。

  • unsigned:Boolean,如果为True,则使用无符号。默认为False


  • TypeError:如果传入了不支持的类型。

Read-only properties:

  • fake_quant:

  • name:
  • learn_amax:
  • scale_amax:
  • axis:
  • calib_method:
  • num_bits:
  • amax:
  • unsigned:


QuantDescriptor = ScaledQuantDescriptor

# Predefined descriptors
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_PER_TENSOR = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8)
QUANT_DESC_UNSIGNED_8BIT_PER_TENSOR = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, unsigned=True)
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV1D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV2D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV3D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_LINEAR_WEIGHT_PER_ROW = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONVTRANSPOSE1D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONVTRANSPOSE2D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONVTRANSPOSE3D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, axis=(0))



from pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant import QuantDescriptor
from pytorch_quantization.nn.modules.tensor_quantizer import TensorQuantizer

quant_desc = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=4, fake_quant=False, axis=(0), unsigned=True)



在反向传播过程中,使用权重的渐变来更新浮点权重。为了处理量化梯度,除了未定义的点之外,几乎所有地方都是零(连续的浮点数量化映射成了离散的点),故在反向传播求梯度时无法求得,所以需要在反向传播中构建一个近似量化。在实际工程中一种效果比较好的近似方法是使用使用 直通估计器 ( STE ):

x_{out} = clamp(x_{min}, x_{max}, x)


  • 通用的张量量化函数TensorQuantFunction
class TensorQuantFunction(Function):



    def forward(ctx, inputs, amax, num_bits=8, unsigned=False, narrow_range=True):
        ctx.save_for_backward(inputs, amax)
        outputs, scale = _tensor_quant(inputs, amax, num_bits, unsigned, narrow_range)
        # Check if scale overflows FP16
        if outputs.dtype == torch.half and scale.max() > 65504:
            raise ValueError("scale is too large for FP16 with amax={}".format(amax))
        return outputs, scale.to(inputs.dtype)




  • ctx:一个用于向后存储张量的Context对象。

  • inputs:float32型张量。

  • amax:float32型张量。输入将在[-amax,amax]范围内量化,amax将广播到inputs tensor。

  • num_bits:用于计算缩放因子的整数,scale=(2^{num_bits-1}-1)/max。默认值8。

  • output_dtype:张量的一种类型。torch.int32或torch.float32。希望存储为float,pytorch函数接受float量化值,它可能不接受整数输入。

  • unsigned:boolean,使用无符号整数范围。例如,对于num_bits=8,[0,255]。默认为False。

  • narrow_range:布尔值。使用对称整数范围进行有符号量化例如,对于num_bits=8,用[-127,127]代替[-128,127]。默认为True。


  • outputsoutput_dtype类型的张量。

  • scalefloat32型张量。outputs / scale将对输出张量进行反量化。


  • ValueError:


  • ctx:一个上下文对象,其中保存了来自forward的张量。
  • grad_outputs:outputs梯度张量。
  • grad_scale:scale梯度张量。

  • grad_inputs:梯度张量。

    def backward(ctx, grad_outputs, grad_scale):
        Implements straight through estimation with clipping. For -amax <= input <= amax
        the gradient passes straight through, otherwise the gradient is zero.

            ctx: A Context object with saved tensors from forward.
            grad_outputs: A tensor of gradient of outputs.
            grad_scale: A tensor of gradient of scale.

            grad_inputs: A tensor of gradient.
        inputs, amax = ctx.saved_tensors
        zero = grad_outputs.new_zeros(1) # create a zero tensor with the same type and device
        grad_inputs = torch.where(inputs.abs() <= amax, grad_outputs, zero)
        return grad_inputs, None, None, None, None
tensor_quant = TensorQuantFunction.apply


from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant

# Generate random input. With fixed seed 12345, x should be
# tensor([0.9817, 0.8796, 0.9921, 0.4611, 0.0832, 0.1784, 0.3674, 0.5676, 0.3376, 0.2119])
x = torch.rand(10)

# quantize tensor x. quant_x will be
# tensor([126., 113., 127.,  59.,  11.,  23.,  47.,  73.,  43.,  27.])
# with scale=128.0057
quant_x, scale = tensor_quant.tensor_quant(x, x.abs().max())


class FakeTensorQuantFunction(Function):
    """Fake version of TensorQuantFunction
    See comments of TensorQuantFunction, arguments are the same.

    def forward(ctx, inputs, amax, num_bits=8, unsigned=False, narrow_range=True):
        ctx.save_for_backward(inputs, amax)
        outputs, scale = _tensor_quant(inputs, amax, num_bits, unsigned, narrow_range)
        return outputs / scale.to(inputs.dtype)

    def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
        inputs, amax = ctx.saved_tensors
        zero = grad_outputs.new_zeros(1)
        grad_inputs = torch.where(inputs.abs() <= amax, grad_outputs, zero)
        return grad_inputs, None, None, None, None

在向后过程中,使用权重的渐变来更新浮点权重。为了处理量化梯度,除了未定义的点之外,几乎所有地方都是零,可以使用 直通估计器 ( STE ),它通过伪量化操作符传递梯度。

fake_tensor_quant = FakeTensorQuantFunction.apply


from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant

# Generate random input. With fixed seed 12345, x should be
# tensor([0.9817, 0.8796, 0.9921, 0.4611, 0.0832, 0.1784, 0.3674, 0.5676, 0.3376, 0.2119])
x = torch.rand(10)

# fake quantize tensor x. fake_quant_x will be
# tensor([0.9843, 0.8828, 0.9921, 0.4609, 0.0859, 0.1797, 0.3672, 0.5703, 0.3359, 0.2109])
fake_quant_x = tensor_quant.fake_tensor_quant(x, x.abs().max())


def _tensor_quant(inputs, amax, num_bits=8, unsigned=False, narrow_range=True):
    """Shared function body between TensorQuantFunction and FakeTensorQuantFunction"""
        # Fine scale, per channel scale will be handled by broadcasting, which could be tricky. Pop a warning.
    if isinstance(amax, torch.Tensor) and inputs.dim() != amax.dim():
        logging.debug("amax %s has different shape than inputs %s. Make sure broadcast works as expected!",
                      amax.size(), inputs.size())

    logging.debug("{} bits quantization on shape {} tensor.".format(num_bits, inputs.size()))

    if unsigned:
        if inputs.min() < 0.:
            raise TypeError("Negative values encountered in unsigned quantization.")

    # Computation must be in FP32 to prevent potential over flow.
    input_dtype = inputs.dtype
    if inputs.dtype == torch.half:
        inputs = inputs.float()
    if amax.dtype == torch.half:
        amax = amax.float()

    min_amax = amax.min()
    if min_amax < 0:
        raise ValueError("Negative values in amax")

    max_bound = torch.tensor((2.0**(num_bits - 1 + int(unsigned))) - 1.0, device=amax.device)
    if unsigned:
        min_bound = 0
    elif narrow_range:
        min_bound = -max_bound
        min_bound = -max_bound - 1
    scale = max_bound / amax

    epsilon = 1. / (1<<24)
    if min_amax <= epsilon:  # Treat amax smaller than minimum representable of fp16 0
        zero_amax_mask = (amax <= epsilon)
        scale[zero_amax_mask] = 0  # Value quantized with amax=0 should all be 0

    outputs = torch.clamp((inputs * scale).round_(), min_bound, max_bound)

    if min_amax <= epsilon:
        scale[zero_amax_mask] = 1.  # Return 1 makes more sense for values quantized to 0 with amax=0

    if input_dtype == torch.half:
        outputs = outputs.half()

    return outputs, scale
