0. 简介


1. Wheel特征添加


1.1 ImuType.h


Point(const cv::Point3f Acc, const cv::Point3f Gyro, const double &timestamp, const double& encoder_v):
            a(Acc.x,Acc.y,Acc.z), w(Gyro.x,Gyro.y,Gyro.z), t(timestamp), encoder_v(encoder_v){}
void IntegrateNewMeasurement(const Eigen::Vector3f &acceleration, const Eigen::Vector3f &angVel, const float &dt,const double &encoder_v );
    Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float,6> Nga, NgaWalk;
    Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float,9> Nga_en, NgaWalk_en;

    // Values for the original bias (when integration was computed)
    Bias b;
    Eigen::Matrix3f dR;
    Eigen::Vector3f dV, dP;
    Eigen::Matrix3f Rbo = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();   //encoder 和imu的旋转
    Eigen::Vector3d Tbo = {-0.9810000061988831,0,0};   //encoder 和imu的旋转
    Eigen::Matrix3f JRg, JVg, JVa, JPg, JPa;
    Eigen::Vector3f avgA, avgW;
    Eigen::Vector3f encoder_velocity ;
    Eigen::Matrix<float,18,18> jacobian_enc;
    Eigen::Matrix<float,21,21> covariance_enc;

1.2 ImuType.cc

下面IntegrateNewMeasurement 函数中,该系统整合了惯性测量(来自加速度计和陀螺仪)和可选的编码器读数。此函数的主要目的是根据这些测量数据更新内部状态,以跟踪位置、速度和旋转的变化。

 * @brief 初始化预积分
 * @param b_ 偏置
void Preintegrated::Initialize(const Bias &b_)
    b = b_;
    bu = b_;  // 更新后的偏置
    avgA.setZero();  // 平均加速度
    avgW.setZero();  // 平均角速度
    dT = 0.0f;
    mvMeasurements.clear();  // 存放imu数据及dt

 * @brief 根据新的偏置重新积分mvMeasurements里的数据 Optimizer::InertialOptimization调用
void Preintegrated::Reintegrate()
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
    const std::vector<integrable> aux = mvMeasurements;
    bool buseencoder;
    buseencoder = true;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < aux.size(); i++)
            IntegrateNewMeasurement(aux[i].a, aux[i].w, aux[i].t,aux[i].enc);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aux.size(); i++)
        IntegrateNewMeasurement(aux[i].a, aux[i].w, aux[i].t);}

void Preintegrated::IntegrateNewMeasurement(const Eigen::Vector3f &acceleration, const Eigen::Vector3f &angVel, const float &dt,const double &encoder_v)
        // 保存imu数据,利用中值积分的结果构造一个预积分类保存在mvMeasurements中
        mvMeasurements.push_back(integrable(acceleration, angVel, dt,encoder_v));

        // Position is updated firstly, as it depends on previously computed velocity and rotation.
        // Velocity is updated secondly, as it depends on previously computed rotation.
        // Rotation is the last to be updated.

        // Matrices to compute covariance
        // Step 1.构造协方差矩阵
        // 噪声矩阵的传递矩阵,这部分用于计算i到j-1历史噪声或者协方差
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 9, 9> A;
        // 噪声矩阵的传递矩阵,这部分用于计算j-1新的噪声或协方差,这两个矩阵里面的数都是当前时刻的,计算主要是为了下一时刻使用
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 9, 6> B;

        // 考虑偏置后的加速度、角速度
        Eigen::Vector3f acc, accW;
        acc << acceleration(0) - b.bax, acceleration(1) - b.bay, acceleration(2) - b.baz;
        accW << angVel(0) - b.bwx, angVel(1) - b.bwy, angVel(2) - b.bwz;

        // 记录平均加速度和角速度
        avgA = (dT * avgA + dR * acc * dt) / (dT + dt);
        avgW = (dT * avgW + accW * dt) / (dT + dt);

        // Update delta position dP and velocity dV (rely on no-updated delta rotation)
        // 根据没有更新的dR来更新dP与dV  eq.(38)
        dP = dP + dV * dt + 0.5f * dR * acc * dt * dt;
        dV = dV + dR * acc * dt;
        Eigen::Vector3f encoder_cast = { static_cast<float>(encoder_v),0,0};
        encoder_velocity = encoder_velocity + dR*Rbo* encoder_cast*dt;
        //std::cerr<<"encoder_velocity "<<encoder_velocity;

        // Compute velocity and position parts of matrices A and B (rely on non-updated delta rotation)
        // 根据η_ij = A * η_i,j-1 + B_j-1 * η_j-1中的A矩阵和B矩阵对速度和位移进行更新
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Wacc = Sophus::SO3f::hat(acc);

        A.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = -dR * dt * Wacc;
        A.block<3, 3>(6, 0) = -0.5f * dR * dt * dt * Wacc;
        A.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float, 3>(dt, dt, dt);
        B.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = dR * dt;
        B.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = 0.5f * dR * dt * dt;

        // Update position and velocity jacobians wrt bias correction
        // 因为随着时间推移,不可能每次都重新计算雅克比矩阵,所以需要做J(k+1) = j(k) + (~)这类事,分解方式与AB矩阵相同
        // 论文作者对forster论文公式的基础上做了变形,然后递归更新,参见 https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3/issues/212
        JPa = JPa + JVa * dt - 0.5f * dR * dt * dt;
        JPg = JPg + JVg * dt - 0.5f * dR * dt * dt * Wacc * JRg;
        JVa = JVa - dR * dt;
        JVg = JVg - dR * dt * Wacc * JRg;

        // Update delta rotation
        // Step 2. 构造函数,会根据更新后的bias进行角度积分
        IntegratedRotation dRi(angVel, b, dt);
        // 强行归一化使其符合旋转矩阵的格式
        auto dR_past = dR;
        dR = NormalizeRotation(dR * dRi.deltaR);

        // Compute rotation parts of matrices A and B
        // 补充AB矩阵
        A.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = dRi.deltaR.transpose();
        B.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = dRi.rightJ * dt;

        // 小量delta初始为0,更新后通常也为0,故省略了小量的更新
        // Update covariance
        // Step 3.更新协方差,frost经典预积分论文的第63个公式,推导了噪声(ηa, ηg)对dR dV dP 的影响
        C.block<9, 9>(0, 0) = A * C.block<9, 9>(0, 0) * A.transpose() + B * Nga * B.transpose();  // B矩阵为9*6矩阵 Nga 6*6对角矩阵,3个陀螺仪噪声的平方,3个加速度计噪声的平方
        // 这一部分最开始是0矩阵,随着积分次数增加,每次都加上随机游走,偏置的信息矩阵
        C.block<6, 6>(9, 9) += NgaWalk;

        // Update rotation jacobian wrt bias correction
        // 计算偏置的雅克比矩阵,r对bg的导数,∂ΔRij/∂bg = (ΔRjj-1) * ∂ΔRij-1/∂bg - Jr(j-1)*t
        // 论文作者对forster论文公式的基础上做了变形,然后递归更新,参见 https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3/issues/212
        // ? 为什么先更新JPa、JPg、JVa、JVg最后更新JRg? 答:这里必须先更新dRi才能更新到这个值,但是为什么JPg和JVg依赖的上一个JRg值进行更新的?
        JRg = dRi.deltaR.transpose() * JRg - dRi.rightJ * dt;

        // Total integrated time
        // 更新总时间
        dT += dt;

        bool buseencoder;
        buseencoder = true;
            Eigen::MatrixXf F = Eigen::MatrixXf ::Zero(12,12);
//            F.block<3,3>(0,0) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
//            F.block<3,3>(0,3) = A.block<3, 3>(6, 0);
//            F.block<3,3>(0,6) = Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float, 3>(dt, dt, dt);
//            F.block<3,3>(3,3) = dRi.deltaR.transpose();
//            F.block<3,3>(6,3) = A.block<3, 3>(3, 0);
//            F.block<3,3>(6,6) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();


            Eigen::Vector3f encoder_fi = Rbo*encoder_velocity;
            Eigen::Matrix3f R_encoder;
            R_encoder<< 0, -encoder_fi(2), encoder_fi(1),encoder_fi(2), 0, -encoder_fi(0),-encoder_fi(1), encoder_fi(0), 0;
//            F.block<3,3>(9,3) =-dR_past*dt*R_encoder;
//            F.block<3,3>(9,9) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();

            Eigen::MatrixXf V = Eigen::MatrixXf ::Zero(12,9);
//            V.block<3,3>(0,0) = 0.5f * dR_past * dt * dt;
//            V.block<3,3>(3,3) = dRi.rightJ * dt;
//            V.block<3,3>(6,0) = dR_past * dt;
//            V.block<3,3>(9,6) = dR_past*Rbo*dt;

            F.block<9,9>(0,0) = A;
            F.block<3,3>(9,3) = -dR_past*dt*R_encoder;
            F.block<3,3>(9,9) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();

            V.block<9,6>(0,0) = B;
            V.block<3,3>(9,6) = dR_past*Rbo*dt;

            covariance_enc.block<12,12>(0,0) = F*covariance_enc.block<12,12>(0,0)*F.transpose()+V*Nga_en*V.transpose();
            covariance_enc.block<9,9>(12,12) += NgaWalk_en;


1.3 Tracking.cc


Eigen::Vector3f acc, angVel;
        double encoder_v;//添加内容

  tstep = mvImuFromLastFrame[i+1].t-mCurrentFrame.mpPrevFrame->mTimeStamp;  
  encoder_v = (mvImuFromLastFrame[i].encoder_v+mvImuFromLastFrame[i+1].encoder_v-
        //cerr<<"当前的轮速为: "<< encoder_v<<endl;
        bool buseencoder;
        buseencoder = true;

void Preintegrated::IntegrateNewMeasurement(const Eigen::Vector3f &acceleration, const Eigen::Vector3f &angVel, const float &dt,const double &encoder_v)
        // 保存imu数据,利用中值积分的结果构造一个预积分类保存在mvMeasurements中
        mvMeasurements.push_back(integrable(acceleration, angVel, dt,encoder_v));

        // Position is updated firstly, as it depends on previously computed velocity and rotation.
        // Velocity is updated secondly, as it depends on previously computed rotation.
        // Rotation is the last to be updated.

        // Matrices to compute covariance
        // Step 1.构造协方差矩阵
        // 噪声矩阵的传递矩阵,这部分用于计算i到j-1历史噪声或者协方差
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 9, 9> A;
        // 噪声矩阵的传递矩阵,这部分用于计算j-1新的噪声或协方差,这两个矩阵里面的数都是当前时刻的,计算主要是为了下一时刻使用
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 9, 6> B;

        // 考虑偏置后的加速度、角速度
        Eigen::Vector3f acc, accW;
        acc << acceleration(0) - b.bax, acceleration(1) - b.bay, acceleration(2) - b.baz;
        accW << angVel(0) - b.bwx, angVel(1) - b.bwy, angVel(2) - b.bwz;

        // 记录平均加速度和角速度
        avgA = (dT * avgA + dR * acc * dt) / (dT + dt);
        avgW = (dT * avgW + accW * dt) / (dT + dt);

        // Update delta position dP and velocity dV (rely on no-updated delta rotation)
        // 根据没有更新的dR来更新dP与dV  eq.(38)
        dP = dP + dV * dt + 0.5f * dR * acc * dt * dt;
        dV = dV + dR * acc * dt;
        Eigen::Vector3f encoder_cast = { static_cast<float>(encoder_v),0,0};
        encoder_velocity = encoder_velocity + dR*Rbo* encoder_cast*dt;
        //std::cerr<<"encoder_velocity "<<encoder_velocity;

        // Compute velocity and position parts of matrices A and B (rely on non-updated delta rotation)
        // 根据η_ij = A * η_i,j-1 + B_j-1 * η_j-1中的A矩阵和B矩阵对速度和位移进行更新
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Wacc = Sophus::SO3f::hat(acc);

        A.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = -dR * dt * Wacc;
        A.block<3, 3>(6, 0) = -0.5f * dR * dt * dt * Wacc;
        A.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float, 3>(dt, dt, dt);
        B.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = dR * dt;
        B.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = 0.5f * dR * dt * dt;

        // Update position and velocity jacobians wrt bias correction
        // 因为随着时间推移,不可能每次都重新计算雅克比矩阵,所以需要做J(k+1) = j(k) + (~)这类事,分解方式与AB矩阵相同
        // 论文作者对forster论文公式的基础上做了变形,然后递归更新,参见 https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3/issues/212
        JPa = JPa + JVa * dt - 0.5f * dR * dt * dt;
        JPg = JPg + JVg * dt - 0.5f * dR * dt * dt * Wacc * JRg;
        JVa = JVa - dR * dt;
        JVg = JVg - dR * dt * Wacc * JRg;

        // Update delta rotation
        // Step 2. 构造函数,会根据更新后的bias进行角度积分
        IntegratedRotation dRi(angVel, b, dt);
        // 强行归一化使其符合旋转矩阵的格式
        auto dR_past = dR;
        dR = NormalizeRotation(dR * dRi.deltaR);

        // Compute rotation parts of matrices A and B
        // 补充AB矩阵
        A.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = dRi.deltaR.transpose();
        B.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = dRi.rightJ * dt;

        // 小量delta初始为0,更新后通常也为0,故省略了小量的更新
        // Update covariance
        // Step 3.更新协方差,frost经典预积分论文的第63个公式,推导了噪声(ηa, ηg)对dR dV dP 的影响
        C.block<9, 9>(0, 0) = A * C.block<9, 9>(0, 0) * A.transpose() + B * Nga * B.transpose();  // B矩阵为9*6矩阵 Nga 6*6对角矩阵,3个陀螺仪噪声的平方,3个加速度计噪声的平方
        // 这一部分最开始是0矩阵,随着积分次数增加,每次都加上随机游走,偏置的信息矩阵
        C.block<6, 6>(9, 9) += NgaWalk;

        // Update rotation jacobian wrt bias correction
        // 计算偏置的雅克比矩阵,r对bg的导数,∂ΔRij/∂bg = (ΔRjj-1) * ∂ΔRij-1/∂bg - Jr(j-1)*t
        // 论文作者对forster论文公式的基础上做了变形,然后递归更新,参见 https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3/issues/212
        // ? 为什么先更新JPa、JPg、JVa、JVg最后更新JRg? 答:这里必须先更新dRi才能更新到这个值,但是为什么JPg和JVg依赖的上一个JRg值进行更新的?
        JRg = dRi.deltaR.transpose() * JRg - dRi.rightJ * dt;

        // Total integrated time
        // 更新总时间
        dT += dt;

        bool buseencoder;
        buseencoder = true;
            Eigen::MatrixXf F = Eigen::MatrixXf ::Zero(12,12);
//            F.block<3,3>(0,0) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
//            F.block<3,3>(0,3) = A.block<3, 3>(6, 0);
//            F.block<3,3>(0,6) = Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float, 3>(dt, dt, dt);
//            F.block<3,3>(3,3) = dRi.deltaR.transpose();
//            F.block<3,3>(6,3) = A.block<3, 3>(3, 0);
//            F.block<3,3>(6,6) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();


            Eigen::Vector3f encoder_fi = Rbo*encoder_velocity;
            Eigen::Matrix3f R_encoder;
            R_encoder<< 0, -encoder_fi(2), encoder_fi(1),encoder_fi(2), 0, -encoder_fi(0),-encoder_fi(1), encoder_fi(0), 0;
//            F.block<3,3>(9,3) =-dR_past*dt*R_encoder;
//            F.block<3,3>(9,9) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();

            Eigen::MatrixXf V = Eigen::MatrixXf ::Zero(12,9);
//            V.block<3,3>(0,0) = 0.5f * dR_past * dt * dt;
//            V.block<3,3>(3,3) = dRi.rightJ * dt;
//            V.block<3,3>(6,0) = dR_past * dt;
//            V.block<3,3>(9,6) = dR_past*Rbo*dt;

            F.block<9,9>(0,0) = A;
            F.block<3,3>(9,3) = -dR_past*dt*R_encoder;
            F.block<3,3>(9,9) = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();

            V.block<9,6>(0,0) = B;
            V.block<3,3>(9,6) = dR_past*Rbo*dt;

            covariance_enc.block<12,12>(0,0) = F*covariance_enc.block<12,12>(0,0)*F.transpose()+V*Nga_en*V.transpose();
            covariance_enc.block<9,9>(12,12) += NgaWalk_en;



 // Graph edges
    // IMU links with gravity and scale
    // 6. imu信息链接重力方向与尺度信息
    bool buseencoder;
    buseencoder = true;
    if(!pMap->isImuInitialized()&&buseencoder){ //如果没有第一次初始化并且是使用速
// TODO 这里记得修改
    vector<EdgeInertialGSE *> vpei;  // 后面虽然加入了边,但是没有用到,应该调试用的
    vector<pair<KeyFrame *, KeyFrame *>> vppUsedKF;
    vppUsedKF.reserve(vpKFs.size());  // 后面虽然加入了关键帧,但是没有用到,应该调试用的
    // std::cout << "build optimization graph" << std::endl;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < vpKFs.size(); i++)
        KeyFrame *pKFi = vpKFs[i];

        if (pKFi->mPrevKF && pKFi->mnId <= maxKFid)
            if (pKFi->isBad() || pKFi->mPrevKF->mnId > maxKFid)
            if (!pKFi->mpImuPreintegrated)
                std::cout << "Not preintegrated measurement" << std::endl;
            // 到这里的条件是pKFi是好的,并且它有上一个关键帧,且他们的id要小于最大id
            // 6.1 检查节点指针是否为空
            // 将pKFi偏置设定为上一关键帧的偏置
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VP1 = optimizer.vertex(pKFi->mPrevKF->mnId);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VV1 = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid + (pKFi->mPrevKF->mnId) + 1);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VP2 = optimizer.vertex(pKFi->mnId);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VV2 = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid + (pKFi->mnId) + 1);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VG = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 2);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VA = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 3);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VGDir = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 4);
            g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VS = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 5);
            if (!VP1 || !VV1 || !VG || !VA || !VP2 || !VV2 || !VGDir || !VS)
                cout << "Error" << VP1 << ", " << VV1 << ", " << VG << ", " << VA << ", " << VP2 << ", " << VV2 << ", " << VGDir << ", " << VS << endl;

            // 6.2 这是一个大边。。。。包含了上面所有信息,注意到前面的两个偏置也做了两个一元边加入
            // TODO 还要修改这里

                if(buseencoder&&(pKFi->mpImuPreintegrated->encoder_velocity[0]==0)) {
                    cerr << pKFi->mnId << "  的轮速为0 " << endl;
            EdgeInertialGSE *ei = new EdgeInertialGSE(pKFi->mpImuPreintegrated);
            ei->setVertex(0, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VP1));
            ei->setVertex(1, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VV1));
            ei->setVertex(2, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VG));
            ei->setVertex(3, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VA));
            ei->setVertex(4, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VP2));
            ei->setVertex(5, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VV2));
            ei->setVertex(6, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VGDir));
            ei->setVertex(7, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VS));


            vppUsedKF.push_back(make_pair(pKFi->mPrevKF, pKFi));
        vector<EdgeInertialGS *> vpei;  // 后面虽然加入了边,但是没有用到,应该调试用的
        vector<pair<KeyFrame *, KeyFrame *>> vppUsedKF;
        vppUsedKF.reserve(vpKFs.size());  // 后面虽然加入了关键帧,但是没有用到,应该调试用的
        // std::cout << "build optimization graph" << std::endl;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < vpKFs.size(); i++)
            KeyFrame *pKFi = vpKFs[i];

            if (pKFi->mPrevKF && pKFi->mnId <= maxKFid)
                if (pKFi->isBad() || pKFi->mPrevKF->mnId > maxKFid)
                if (!pKFi->mpImuPreintegrated)
                    std::cout << "Not preintegrated measurement" << std::endl;
                // 到这里的条件是pKFi是好的,并且它有上一个关键帧,且他们的id要小于最大id
                // 6.1 检查节点指针是否为空
                // 将pKFi偏置设定为上一关键帧的偏置
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VP1 = optimizer.vertex(pKFi->mPrevKF->mnId);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VV1 = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid + (pKFi->mPrevKF->mnId) + 1);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VP2 = optimizer.vertex(pKFi->mnId);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VV2 = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid + (pKFi->mnId) + 1);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VG = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 2);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VA = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 3);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VGDir = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 4);
                g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex *VS = optimizer.vertex(maxKFid * 2 + 5);
                if (!VP1 || !VV1 || !VG || !VA || !VP2 || !VV2 || !VGDir || !VS)
                    cout << "Error" << VP1 << ", " << VV1 << ", " << VG << ", " << VA << ", " << VP2 << ", " << VV2 << ", " << VGDir << ", " << VS << endl;

                // 6.2 这是一个大边。。。。包含了上面所有信息,注意到前面的两个偏置也做了两个一元边加入
                // TODO 还要修改这里

                EdgeInertialGS *ei = new EdgeInertialGS(pKFi->mpImuPreintegrated);
                ei->setVertex(0, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VP1));
                ei->setVertex(1, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VV1));
                ei->setVertex(2, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VG));
                ei->setVertex(3, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VA));
                ei->setVertex(4, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VP2));
                ei->setVertex(5, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VV2));
                ei->setVertex(6, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VGDir));
                ei->setVertex(7, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex *>(VS));


                vppUsedKF.push_back(make_pair(pKFi->mPrevKF, pKFi));
    // Compute error for different scales
    std::set<g2o::HyperGraph::Edge *> setEdges = optimizer.edges();



 * @brief 初始化惯性边(误差为残差、加入轮速)
class EdgeInertialGSE : public g2o::BaseMultiEdge<12, Vector12d>

        // EdgeInertialGS(IMU::Preintegrated* pInt);
        EdgeInertialGSE(IMU::Preintegrated *pInt);

        virtual bool read(std::istream &is) { return false; }
        virtual bool write(std::ostream &os) const { return false; }

        void computeError();
        virtual void linearizeOplus();

        const Eigen::Matrix3d JRg, JVg, JPg;
        const Eigen::Matrix3d JVa, JPa;
        IMU::Preintegrated *mpInt;
        const double dt;
        Eigen::Vector3d g, gI;

        // 关于pose1与2 的旋转平移速度,以及之间的偏置,还有重力方向与尺度的信息矩阵
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 27, 27> GetHessian()
            Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 27> J;
            J.block<12, 6>(0, 0) = _jacobianOplus[0];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 6) = _jacobianOplus[1];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 9) = _jacobianOplus[2];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 12) = _jacobianOplus[3];
            J.block<12, 6>(0, 15) = _jacobianOplus[4];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 21) = _jacobianOplus[5];
            J.block<12, 2>(0, 24) = _jacobianOplus[6];
            J.block<12, 1>(0, 26) = _jacobianOplus[7];
            return J.transpose() * information() * J;

        // 与上面摆放不同
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 27, 27> GetHessian2()
            Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 27> J;
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 0) = _jacobianOplus[2];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 3) = _jacobianOplus[3];
            J.block<12, 2>(0, 6) = _jacobianOplus[6];
            J.block<12, 1>(0, 8) = _jacobianOplus[7];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 9) = _jacobianOplus[1];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 12) = _jacobianOplus[5];
            J.block<12, 6>(0, 15) = _jacobianOplus[0];
            J.block<12, 6>(0, 21) = _jacobianOplus[4];
            return J.transpose() * information() * J;

        // 关于偏置,重力方向与尺度的信息矩阵
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> GetHessian3()
            Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> J;
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 0) = _jacobianOplus[2];
            J.block<12, 3>(0, 3) = _jacobianOplus[3];
            J.block<12, 2>(0, 6) = _jacobianOplus[6];
            J.block<12, 1>(0, 8) = _jacobianOplus[7];
            return J.transpose() * information() * J;

        // 下面的没有用到,其实也是获取状态的信息矩阵
//        Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> GetHessianScale()
//        {
//            linearizeOplus();
//            Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1> J = _jacobianOplus[7];
//            return J.transpose() * information() * J;
//        }
//        Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> GetHessianBiasGyro()
//        {
//            linearizeOplus();
//            Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 3> J = _jacobianOplus[2];
//            return J.transpose() * information() * J;
//        }
//        Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> GetHessianBiasAcc()
//        {
//            linearizeOplus();
//            Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 3> J = _jacobianOplus[3];
//            return J.transpose() * information() * J;
//        }
//        Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> GetHessianGDir()
//        {
//            linearizeOplus();
//            Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 2> J = _jacobianOplus[6];
//            return J.transpose() * information() * J;
//        }

2. GPS约束

2.1 Map2DFusion


2.2 gnss-stereo-inertial-fusion


3. 参考链接
