

1. 在ubuntu虚拟机中将onnx模型转为bin模型

  1. 1.第一步将自己的resnet的onnx模型拖入虚拟机中

  2. 2.获取地平线官方的转换例程



  1. 3.修改01_check_X3.sh脚本



  1. 修改02_preprocess.sh,可以使用训练时的图片

  1. 修改resnet18_config_X3.yaml文件


# Copyright (c) 2020 Horizon Robotics.All Rights Reserved.
# The material in this file is confidential and contains trade secrets
# of Horizon Robotics Inc. This is proprietary information owned by
# Horizon Robotics Inc. No part of this work may be disclosed,
# reproduced, copied, transmitted, or used in any way for any purpose,
# without the express written permission of Horizon Robotics Inc.

# 模型转化相关的参数
# ------------------------------------
# model conversion related parameters

  # Caffe浮点网络数据模型文件
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the model file of floating-point Caffe neural network data
  onnx_model: 'model_best_03.onnx'

  # Caffe网络描述文件
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the file describes the structure of Caffe neural network
  # prototxt: '../../../01_common/model_zoo/mapper/classification/resnet18/resnet18_deploy.prototxt'

  # 适用BPU架构
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the applicable BPU architecture
  march: "bernoulli2"

  # 指定模型转换过程中是否输出各层的中间结果,如果为True,则输出所有层的中间输出结果,
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # specifies whether or not to dump the intermediate results of all layers in conversion
  # if set to True, then the intermediate results of all layers shall be dumped
  layer_out_dump: False

  # 模型转换输出的结果的存放目录
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the directory in which model conversion results are stored
  working_dir: 'model_output'

  # 模型转换输出的用于上板执行的模型文件的名称前缀
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # model conversion generated name prefix of those model files used for dev board execution
  output_model_file_prefix: 'resnet18_224x224_nv12'

# 模型输入相关参数, 若输入多个节点, 则应使用';'进行分隔, 使用默认缺省设置则写None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model input related parameters,
# please use ";" to seperate when inputting multiple nodes,
# please use None for default setting

  # (选填) 模型输入的节点名称, 此名称应与模型文件中的名称一致, 否则会报错, 不填则会使用模型文件中的节点名称
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (Optional) node name of model input,
  # it shall be the same as the name of model file, otherwise an error will be reported,
  # the node name of model file will be used when left blank
  input_name: ""

  # 网络实际执行时,输入给网络的数据格式,包括 nv12/rgb/bgr/yuv444/gray/featuremap,
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the data formats to be passed into neural network when actually performing neural network
  # available options: nv12/rgb/bgr/yuv444/gray/featuremap,
  input_type_rt: 'nv12'

  # 网络实际执行时输入的数据排布, 可选值为 NHWC/NCHW
  # 若input_type_rt配置为nv12,则此处参数不需要配置
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the data layout formats to be passed into neural network when actually performing neural network, available options: NHWC/NCHW
  # If input_type_rt is configured as nv12, then this parameter does not need to be configured
  input_layout_rt: ''

  # 网络训练时输入的数据格式,可选的值为rgb/bgr/gray/featuremap/yuv444
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the data formats in network training
  # available options: rgb/bgr/gray/featuremap/yuv444
  input_type_train: 'rgb'

  # 网络训练时输入的数据排布, 可选值为 NHWC/NCHW
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the data layout in network training, available options: NHWC/NCHW
  input_layout_train: 'NCHW'

  # (选填) 模型网络的输入大小, 以'x'分隔, 不填则会使用模型文件中的网络输入大小,否则会覆盖模型文件中输入大小
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (Optional)the input size of model network, seperated by 'x'
  # note that the network input size of model file will be used if left blank
  # otherwise it will overwrite the input size of model file
  input_shape: ''

  # 网络实际执行时,输入给网络的batch_size, 默认值为1
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the data batch_size to be passed into neural network when actually performing neural network, default value: 1
  #input_batch: 1
  # 网络输入的预处理方法,主要有以下几种:
  # no_preprocess 不做任何操作
  # data_mean 减去通道均值mean_value
  # data_scale 对图像像素乘以data_scale系数
  # data_mean_and_scale 减去通道均值后再乘以scale系数
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # preprocessing methods of network input, available options:
  # 'no_preprocess' indicates that no preprocess will be made 
  # 'data_mean' indicates that to minus the channel mean, i.e. mean_value
  # 'data_scale' indicates that image pixels to multiply data_scale ratio
  # 'data_mean_and_scale' indicates that to multiply scale ratio after channel mean is minused
  norm_type: 'data_mean_and_scale'

  # 图像减去的均值, 如果是通道均值,value之间必须用空格分隔
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the mean value minused by image
  # note that values must be seperated by space if channel mean value is used
  mean_value: '123.675 116.28 103.53'

  # 图像预处理缩放比例,如果是通道缩放比例,value之间必须用空格分隔
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # scale value of image preprocess
  # note that values must be seperated by space if channel scale value is used
  scale_value:  '0.0171248 0.017507 0.0174292'

# 模型量化相关参数
# -----------------------------
# model calibration parameters

  # 模型量化的参考图像的存放目录,图片格式支持Jpeg、Bmp等格式,输入的图片
  # 应该是使用的典型场景,一般是从测试集中选择20~100张图片,另外输入
  # 的图片要覆盖典型场景,不要是偏僻场景,如过曝光、饱和、模糊、纯黑、纯白等图片
  # 若有多个输入节点, 则应使用';'进行分隔
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the directory where reference images of model quantization are stored
  # image formats include JPEG, BMP etc.
  # should be classic application scenarios, usually 20~100 images are picked out from test datasets
  # in addition, note that input images should cover typical scenarios
  # and try to avoid those overexposed, oversaturated, vague, 
  # pure blank or pure white images
  # use ';' to seperate when there are multiple input nodes
  cal_data_dir: './calibration_data_bgr_f32'

  # 如果输入的图片文件尺寸和模型训练的尺寸不一致时,并且preprocess_on为true,
  # 则将采用默认预处理方法(skimage resize),
  # 将输入图片缩放或者裁减到指定尺寸,否则,需要用户提前把图片处理为训练时的尺寸
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # In case the size of input image file is different from that of in model training
  # and that preprocess_on is set to True,
  # shall the default preprocess method(skimage resize) be used
  # i.e., to resize or crop input image into specified size
  # otherwise user must keep image size as that of in training in advance
  # preprocess_on: False

  # 模型量化的算法类型,支持kl、max、default、load,通常采用default即可满足要求, 若为QAT导出的模型, 则应选择load
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # types of model quantization algorithms, usually default will meet the need
  # available options:kl, max, default and load
  # if converted model is quanti model exported from QAT , then choose `load`
  calibration_type: 'kl'

# 编译器相关参数
# ----------------------------
# compiler related parameters

  # 编译策略,支持bandwidth和latency两种优化模式;
  # bandwidth以优化ddr的访问带宽为目标;
  # latency以优化推理时间为目标
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # compilation strategy, there are 2 available optimization modes: 'bandwidth' and 'lantency'
  # the 'bandwidth' mode aims to optimize ddr access bandwidth
  # while the 'lantency' mode aims to optimize inference duration
  compile_mode: 'latency'

  # 设置debug为True将打开编译器的debug模式,能够输出性能仿真的相关信息,如帧率、DDR带宽占用等
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # the compiler's debug mode will be enabled by setting to True
  # this will dump performance simulation related information
  # such as: frame rate, DDR bandwidth usage etc.
  debug: False

  # 编译模型指定核数,不指定默认编译单核模型, 若编译双核模型,将下边注释打开即可
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # specifies number of cores to be used in model compilation 
  # as default, single core is used as this value left blank
  # please delete the "# " below to enable dual-core mode when compiling dual-core model
  # core_num: 2

  # 优化等级可选范围为O0~O3
  # O0不做任何优化, 编译速度最快,优化程度最低,
  # O1-O3随着优化等级提高,预期编译后的模型的执行速度会更快,但是所需编译时间也会变长。
  # 推荐用O2做最快验证
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # optimization level ranges between O0~O3
  # O0 indicates that no optimization will be made 
  # the faster the compilation, the lower optimization level will be
  # O1-O3: as optimization levels increase gradually, model execution, after compilation, shall become faster
  # while compilation will be prolonged
  # it is recommended to use O2 for fastest verification
  optimize_level: 'O3'



2. 在旭日派X3上部署该模型

import cv2
import numpy as np
from hobot_dnn import pyeasy_dnn as dnn

def convert_bgr_to_nv12(cv_image):
    yuv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
    y_channel = yuv_image[:, :, 0]
    u_channel = yuv_image[::2, ::2, 1]
    v_channel = yuv_image[::2, ::2, 2]
    uv_channel = np.empty((u_channel.shape[0], u_channel.shape[1] * 2), dtype=u_channel.dtype)
    uv_channel[:, ::2] = u_channel
    uv_channel[:, 1::2] = v_channel
    nv12_image = np.concatenate((y_channel.flatten(), uv_channel.flatten()))
    return nv12_image

def process_frame(cv_image, models, original_width, original_height):
    # 将图像缩放到模型期望的尺寸
    cv_image_resized = cv2.resize(cv_image, (224, 224), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    nv12_image = convert_bgr_to_nv12(cv_image_resized)
    # 使用模型进行推理
    outputs = models[0].forward(np.frombuffer(nv12_image, dtype=np.uint8))
    outputs = outputs[0].buffer
    # 假设模型输出是在224x224图像上的比例坐标
    x_ratio, y_ratio = outputs[0][0][0][0], outputs[0][1][0][0]
    # 将比例坐标转换为原始视频帧的像素坐标
    x_pixel = int(x_ratio * original_width)
    y_pixel = int(y_ratio * original_height)
    return x_pixel, y_pixel

def main():
    models = dnn.load('/root/model/resnet18_224x224_nv12.bin')
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture("/root/model/03.avi")

    # 确定视频编解码器和创建VideoWriter对象
    fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
    out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi', fourcc, 20.0, (640, 480))

    while cap.isOpened():
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if not ret:

        x, y = process_frame(frame, models,640,480)
        cv2.circle(frame, (x, y), radius=5, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1)

        # 写入帧到输出文件

        # cv2.imshow('Frame', frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    out.release()  # 释放VideoWriter对象

if __name__ == "__main__":


